Gràcies per interessar-te pel meu treball artístic. Les meves linies de treball són variades. El nostre estudi te les porta obertes. Si vols observar la meva feina detalladament pots fer-me una visita, podem conversar i prendre cafè.

Si tens al cap un projecte i veus que la meva gràfica encaixa amb el que busques envia'm un mail.

Thank you for your interest in my artwork. My lines of work are varied. Our studio has its doors open for you. If you'd like to observe my work in detail, you can pay me a visit. We can chat and have coffee.

If you have a project in mind and you see that my style fits what you're looking for, send me an email.

Correo electrónico

Plaça de Sant Jaume. S N. SALT